Obtaining a good domain name these days is difficult if you want to use the more popular dot com and .co.uk names, this is due to the fact that over the years most names have already been registered.
Having the right domain name can also be a considerable help if you need to drive more traffic to your website or online ecommerce shop
There are several approaches to this problem, for example many new TLDs (top level domains) are becoming available, and this is one possible solution.
Another is to employ our services to find you the domain name you need. Blazer Systems specialises in obtaining hard to find domain names and premium domains.
Choosing a good domain registrar is also very important, some agents make charges for simple things like DNS and also charge you a fee if you wish to move your domain elsewhere.
Blazer make none of these charges and we will handle all the technical details for you, and most importantly we will always ensure your domain is properly registered with your company or your name as the registered owner.
For information about domain name Registrant Rights and Responsibilities please visit ICANN